Application for Employment Please complete each one of the individual fields to submit your application Position Details Position Applied For: General employment enquiries Store Location Interested in working at: Type of Employment interested in: Full time Part time Casual Contract What is your availability for work? Monday Available all day? (7:00am - 11:00pm) Start time Finish time Tuesday Available all day? (7:00am - 11:00pm) Start time Finish time Wednesday Available all day? (7:00am - 11:00pm) Start time Finish time Thursday Available all day? (7:00am - 11:00pm) Start time Finish time Friday Available all day? (7:00am - 11:00pm) Start time Finish time Saturday Available all day? (7:00am - 11:00pm) Start time Finish time Sunday Available all day? (7:00am - 11:00pm) Start time Finish time Approximately how many hours per week would you like to work? Minimum Maximum Applicant Details Full Name: Address: Suburb: Postcode: Home phone number: Mobile number: Email address: Date of Birth: What is your residency status? Citizen Permanent resident Temporary resident If Temporary resident, please state your visa type: Have you previously worked in Pharmacy? Yes No If yes, which Pharmacy have you worked for? Is there any reason (medical or otherwise) you are aware of that would prevent you from performing the full range of duties associated with this position? Yes No If yes, please provide details: Education History Highest level of education achieved: High School Certificate level Diploma Degree Do you have any Pharmacy qualifications? Yes No If yes, please state: Employment History Please attach your resume (MS Word document or PDF): I would prefer to provide details of my last 2 positions without uploading a resume. Position 1 Employer (Company Name) Dates of employment Position held Reason for leaving Main duties Position 2 Employer (Company Name) Dates of employment Position held Reason for leaving Main duties Declaration I declare that all information given in this application to be true and acknowledge that, if employed, any false or misleading information identified may result in my termination of employment. I also authorise any person or Company to provide you with such information as you may require regarding my job application. I agree*